As I was reading The Night Circus, I noticed a section of the book that foreshadowed a larger part in the end.
The novel says, "Marco replays in his mind his first encounter with the Wishing Tree. A mixture of annoyance and amazement and wistfulness that seems different in retrospect. He was uncertain he would even be able to light his own candle, his own wish, wondering if it was somehow against the rules."
"Do all of those wishes come true?", he asks.
"I'm not sure," Celia says. "I've not been able to follow up with every person who has wished on it. Have you?"
"Did your wish come true?"
"I am not entirely certain yet."
"You shall have to let me know," Celia says. "I hope it does. I suppose in a way, I made the Wishing Tree for you." (pg. 289)
This simple little encounter is alluding to a later scene in which Marco reveals his wish.
Page 482 says, "I made a wish on this tree years ago," Marco says, as through he knows what Bailey is thinking.
"What did you wish for?" Bailey asks, hoping it is not too forward a question, but Marco does not answer."
Instead, he folds the glowing ring into his palm, and then offers his hand to Bailey.
Bailey hesitantly reaches out, expecting his fingers to pass through Marco's hand as easily as they did before.
But instead they stop, and Marco's hand in his is almost solid. Marco leans forward and whispers into Bailey's ear.
"I wished for her," he says."
The authors use of foreshadowing made the earlier scene more meaningful. When you go back and look at the point Marco and Celia's relationship was at, you can feel the curiosity and confusion Marco might have felt, wondering if his wish might every come true. As you reach that ending event, where Marco reveals his wish for Celia, you can connect the two situations together. The author uses the Wishing Tree and the beginning of their relationship and at the end to give the tree a somewhat emotional effect. The Wishing Tree is the authors way of bringing all the emotions involved in a making a wish, into the story. She creatively intertwines them into the love story and by using the wish to foreshadow at the beginning, she leaves the reader in suspense and curiosity throughout the novel.
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